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2022 Sport & Rec Diversity and Equity in Wellness and Physical Activity (virtual) Conference

Monday, February 7th @ 5pm – 6.30pm

Conversations With Coaches and Athletes From Inclusive Sport and Rec

This session is brought to you by ICCan UofT; the UofT Chapter of Inclusive Communities Canada, with an overarching goal of promoting inclusion in Toronto/GTA through Education, Programming, and Advocacy. This session is an interactive and hands-on discussion with athletes and coaches about adaptive sport and recreation. 

Tuesday, February 8th @ 5pm – 6.30pm

Fostering Successful Black Athletes with Darren Lowe, hosted by the BVA

Join former Varsity Blues Men’s Hockey Coach and Olympic hockey player Darren Lowe in a virtual conversation and Q&A about his accomplished career as a professional hockey player and a hockey coach. He will be sharing stories from his long career, his coaching philosophies, strategies for fostering and supporting Black athletes in the sport, and supporting athlete activism.

This event is presented in partnership with the BIPOC Varsity Association (BVA).

  Thursday, February 10th @ 5pm - 6.30pm

Decolonizing Wellness and Fitness with the Well Being Collective @ Hart House

For some, inequity, accessibility and inclusion are becoming buzzwords du jour; but for many in the wellness and fitness industry these words can provide us with an opportunity to redefine and reimagine what wellness and fitness can look and feel like. Join us for an insightful panel on decolonizing wellness and fitness as the future of and the ways in which we can all show up as intersectional wellness allies.

 This session is presented in partnership with the Well Being Collective @ Hart House.

 Friday, February 11th @ 5pm – 6.30pm

Nadia Popov Talks Gender Inequity in Sport, in conversation with Kara Gani

This session will discuss gender inequity and its impact on life-long participation and athletic achievement. In an interview-style discussion with Nadia Popov, former Canadian Rugby Player, You Can Play Ambassador and future doctor, this session will focus on her experiences with sport and gender inequity at all levels – from the grassroots to high-performance. As an accomplished female athlete, Nadia will discuss how she achieved success in her sport, what hurdles she had to overcome, and what she believes the future in sport requires to ensure more equitable participation and opportunity.

How to participate: Register now at

information above surrounded by leaves with logos for BVA, Sport & Rec Equity Moves Us,  Hart House  and Inclusive Communities UofT below
February 7

Learning to Lead

February 8

KPEUA x KINections Virtual Lab Crawl