Escape the city and embrace a change of pace at the Hart House Farm Retreat on March 17!
Join us for a day trip filled with games and hands-on activities, including a maple sugaring experience (where sap is collected from maple trees to make maple syrup).
Hart House Farm is located in Caledon Hills, approximately 1.5 hours drive from Toronto. Transportation, meals and snacks will be provided. The retreat will run from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Participants will meet in the Athletic Centre lobby at 10 a.m. sharp.
Registration is required to attend this event and a $25 deposit will be collected as part of the registration process. If you are a KPE student, you register and attend the event, you will be eligible for a full refund after March 20, 2023. To initiate your refund request, please call the Athletic Centre’s Customer and Membership Services team at 416-978-3436 (extension 0) or visit the Main Office in the Athletic Centre.
Register at (type KINections into the search bar if it doesn’t go directly to the KINections page).